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Kicker Article

Kicker brand subwoofers are some of the highest quality, top performing car stereo products on the market today. Based on fundamental research and design elements originally used to maximize speaker systems for churches, auditoriums, and entertainers, Stillwater Designs, the company behind Kicker speakers, virtually launched the high-performance car audio market with its 1980 introduction of the first full-range speakers designed exclusively for automotive use. Kicker brand products have been winners of the prestigious AudioVideo International Auto Sound Grand Prix Award based on fidelity of sound reproduction, design engineering, reliability, craftsmanship and product integrity, and cost/performance ratio. And the Kicker SoloX S18X subwoofer has earned the CEA Innovations Design and Engineering Showcase award, one of the consumer electronics industry's highest honors.

But no matter what Kicker subwoofer you get, in order to obtain the optimum bass sound and performance, you also need to have a strong, tightly-constructed box to house it. Without an appropriate enclosure, sound from the back of the subwoofer can cancel out low frequencies from the front, resulting in an inability to deliver a full, resonate bass.

SuperCrewSound offers Kicker specific subwoofer enclosures-both single box models and dual chambered boxes-engineered to optimize volume and tuning for the maximum performance of your Kicker subwoofer. The ported boxes provide added low frequency output, bringing out the deepest end sounds and giving you more bass no matter what amplifier wattage you use. The sealed subwoofer enclosures offer unbeatable sound clarity. All SuperCrewSound Kicker boxes are constructed to the highest standards of durability and sound quality, without compromising style.